
We create an inclusive learning environment that recognises and values student wellbeing as critical to student success.  

The role of the Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator and the Wellbeing Team is to support the diverse needs of those who attend our college and promote connection between students, their families, and the wider college community.

The Wellbeing Team is directly involved in the organisation and delivery of relevant presentations and programs that support the needs of our students and their ongoing social and emotional development.

Most young people are resilient and able to cope with the normal challenges of adolescent development without the need for specialised support or intervention. There will however always be students who are more vulnerable or have experienced disadvantage, and they may be in need of further support given the impact of their challenges.

For those in need, the Wellbeing Team liaise with parents, carers, and clinical services in the wider community to ensure that positive and appropriate support is in place.

Students are encouraged to contact the Wellbeing Team by first discussing any concerns they may have with their parents, their Tutor Teacher or their relevant Student Management Team. A confidential discussion with the Student Wellbeing Coordinator or any member of the Wellbeing Team can then occur to facilitate appropriate referral within the team or to an external support service.

The following services are just some of those available in the wider community that provide support to young people and their families.


Mental Health and Family Support Services

  • The Orange Door – Bayside Peninsula: 1800 319 353
  • Headspace – Bentleigh: 9076 9400
  • Headspace – Frankston 9769 6419
  • Family Life – Cheltenham: 8599 5433
  • Kingston Youth Services: 1300 369 436

Telephone and Online support

  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
  • eHeadspace: 1800 650 890
  • Parentline: 13 22 89
  • 1800RESPECT : 1800 737 732
  • Switchboard (LGBTQIA+) : 1800 184 527
  • Mordialloc Police: 9588 2988

In the event of an emergency, please call 000.
For an urgent after-hours mental health response, you can call Monash Psychiatric Triage on 1300 369 012.