Studying in Victoria

Victorian government schools are a destination of choice for international students. Our schools provide international students with a high-quality education, excellent English language tuition, caring welfare support services, secure homestay, and pathways to higher education. To learn more about studying and living in Victoria as an international student, see:

About our school

Parkdale Secondary College is committed to providing the best possible educational opportunities for all students. Parkdale offers a broad curriculum as well as five highly regarded extra-curricular programs, allowing students to share, engage and excel beyond the classroom. Parkdale Secondary College prides itself on being a safe, supportive and welcoming learning environment. The college builds and maintains strong community links, which help support students into their post-secondary school lives. Success is embraced for every student and dedicated teaching staff support, guide and challenge each student to become curious and resilient learners who are able to achieve their best.

To learn more about the types of subjects and supports available for international students, see :

Parkdale Secondary College – International Student Profile

Why Study with Us ?

Watch the below videos to see what it’s like to study at Parkdale Secondary College :

Parkdale Secondary College – International Students video

Parkdale Secondary College – International Students presentation


Academic Progress

International students are counselled and supported with their academic progress throughout their time at Parkdale Secondary College. They have achieved strong academic results and offers to Australian universities after completion of their VCE.

Students who face challenges in mastering English in their first year may be offered the opportunity to repeat a year level (dependent on age and visa conditions) in order to build their confidence with English and develop strong study habits.

Academic progress counselling occurs at regular intervals for students who are identified as at risk of not meeting their requirements

Parents receive translated reports every 5 weeks from our English Language Centre teachers and mainstream reports on a continuous basis, with translated summaries provided at the end of each semester.

Online parent teacher conferences are held with parents, students, teachers and translators in Term 1 each year.

International students are required to maintain an 80% attendance rate to meet the conditions of their visa. Full Student Visa conditions can be found via the link below: Full Student Visa conditions

Additional programs and extra-curricular activities

We also offer five enrichment programs in sport, music, dance, writing and science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) as well as debating and student leadership.

These programs provide authentic opportunities for our international students and local students to share their passion for extracurricular studies and form genuine friendships with like-minded students.

Each year two international students are elected by their peers and teachers to represent the international student body at the school.

Students choose to attend Parkdale Secondary College because we provide a diverse curriculum and a welcoming and rich learning environment.

Our school also has close links with overseas schools. We have a designated school exchange to our Japanese sister school, Owa High School, as well as Utahloy International School in Guangzhou, China.

This results in our students experiencing cultural difference directly and the opportunity to make global connections through attending school and immersing themselves in the local culture.

Contact our School

For more information about international students, please contact the below staff member.

Assistant Principal – International Students:  Mrs. Melissa Treverton
Phone: +61 3 9580 6311