Catering to Highly Able Students

The school is dedicated to providing the environment for all students to strive and achieve.

Enhanced Learning Program-Mathematics

The Enhanced Learning Program encourages the study of more complex and abstract concepts in class with a greater emphasis on higher order thinking skills.

The year 7 Maths Enhancement Program extends students in the skills required to study mathematically.

The program has a strong emphasis on critical thinking and analysis skills. Students approach problems from different perspectives and work at an appropriate level that is both stimulating and challenging for them.

Students also work collaboratively and individually to take part in a variety of different activities designed to:

  • communicate mathematical understanding using a variety of methods
  • use a variety of problem solving skills

Selection into the program is based on:

  • information from the primary school
  • standardised assessment in numeracy, literacy and non-verbal skills
  • Maths enhancement selection assessment

Department of Education – Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP)

The Victorian High Ability Program provides an enriching learning experience to challenge and extend our high-ability students in English or Mathematics over a 10-week course.

By offering the opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, the program helps to develop confidence and wellbeing. The program focuses on tasks that stimulate students’ critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity, moving students out of their learning comfort zone, and enriching their understanding of English and Mathematics.

Students who participate in VHAP have the opportunity to meet other students in their local area who are undertaking the same course, in face-to-face or virtual masterclasses.

Masterclasses provide opportunities for students to connect with like-minded peers across the state, reflect on their experiences and delve further into some of the big ideas of the course.